Program Area Age Restrictions

Generally, children under the age of 16 may use the recreation center as long as they are actively supervised by an adult. See Facility Policies on supervision.

Fitness Center:  Children may begin using the fitness center starting at at age 18.
Swimming Pool:  Children may use the swimming pool without supervision starting at age 12.
Climbing Wall:  Children may use the indoor climbing wall from age 7 to 18 as long as a parent or guardian serves as their belayer.   [last update 10/18/17]

Program Cancellation & Withdraw

If a program or services is cancelled by Recreation Services prior to first day of program, participants receive a full refund. If the cancellation occurs after the program begins, and due to reasons beyond our control, then participants receive pro-rated refund.

In all other cases where the Recreation Services staff removes a person from a program for any reason associated with a behavior which violates policy or procedure, participants may not get any form of reimbursement.                 [last update 1/6/16]