1. Create an account on IMLeagues (www.imleagues.com/lafayette/registration)
2. Choose your sport and use IMLeagues to “Create” or “Join” during the registration period.
3. If it is a league with a captains’ meeting, all teams must send a representative to the meeting, along with scheduling conflicts. If it is an event, simply await an email with scheduling information.
4. Make your forfeit deposit (if you registered for a team sport)
Any group may register a team through IMLeagues. Event rules will be discussed and distributed at the captains’ meeting. If the captain cannot attend, another team representative should attend on his/her/their behalf. Team schedules will be distributed by email no later than 48 hours prior to the event start date. They will also be available, along with standings, on IMLeagues throughout the season.
Any individual who is interested in participating may register by “Creating” a team of one or two players on IMLeagues. Event schedules will be created on IMLeagues, along with event rules, and provided at the event. They will also be available, along with standings, on IMLeagues throughout the duration of the event.
Don’t have a full team? Sign up as a free agent on IMleagues. You will then gain the ability to request to join teams and send messages to existing Captains.